A Lot of Research papers and Material On Neem

Friday 14 October 2011

Supreme Neem Oil: 100% Pure Wild-Crafted Oil For personal use and more!

Supreme Neem Oil- Extra Virgin, Pure,
Wild-Crafted 100% Neem Seed Oil
1800 ppm Azadirachtin- it's the best!

Supreme Neem is one of the highest grade pure neem oils for personal use available today. It contains at least 1900 ppm azadirachtin. The oil is cold pressed and extracted from neem seeds without heat, chemicals,  petrochemicals and retains all the well balanced nutrients in the oil - many which would otherwise be lost. It is non toxic to humans, birds, earthworms or animals. Makes a great garden tonic! You only need to use 1 ounce Supreme Neem to 1 gallon of water.
Arthritis: The different types of arthritis ailments can be attributed to autoimmune disorders, infections, the result of wear and tear on the joints or inflammation It is the inflammation or the pain with arthritic conditions that is generally treated. Neem, used topically, may aid in treating arthritis in many ways. Neem's antibacterial properties can help kill infectious causes while its inflammation reducing properties and pain suppressing properties may alleviate the symptoms.
Cold Sores: Tests in Germany show that neem extracts are toxic to the herpes virus and can quickly heal cold sores (Schmutterer, 1992). At the first indication of an eruption treat with topical application of a neem-based cream or ointment to the affected area, is recommended. Continue topical applications until the eruption has peaked and until the sore has healed.
Cuts: Neem has been used for centuries to treat problems of the skin and to prevent infection. Neem may reduce the pain, kill the bacteria that may cause infection, and aids in healing with reduced scarring.
Massage: Neem oil has numerous remarkably proven medicinal properties also stimulative and antiseptic effect when used for massage of the body.
Sprains and bruises may be treated with Neem as a topical application which may help increase blood flow to the bruised area. This helps remove the discoloration and promote healing.
Wrinkles: Neem oil may have an effect in preventing or softening the appearance of wrinkles by providing a natural skin protectant and moisturizer to the skin. Antibacterial compounds that we find naturally in neem oil work to protect the skin while immune stimulating agents may work in the deeper layers of the skin below the surface. These neem compounds help healthy skin retain its suppleness that we lose as we age. After washing and drying the skin, rub a few drops of neem based cream or oil on areas that are prone to drying and wrinkles.

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